When Lisa joined TMM Recruitment she was already familiar with the transformative impact work has on people. As an Employment Co-ordinator with Reed in Partnership and Enable Works, Lisa made a difference by helping vulnerable, disabled, minority and under-represented people access advice, training, and employment opportunities.

Lisa discovered us through our favourite marketing channel – positive word of mouth referral and during her candidate registration interview we spotted the traits and personable approach we look for in recruitment consultants.

An advocate for wellbeing and balance Lisa channels her determination and drive into strength training several times a week, and she appreciates the panoramic views and a wander around the ramparts of local historic site, Torry Point Battery.

One of her superpowers is rhythm! She is an accomplished dancer in styles from ballet to hip hop and can play the violin, piano, drums and guitar by ear (or audiation if we’re being fancy!)

Lisa has been great to deal with and kept me informed and up to date with the status of my application for a role I was interested in. Lisa understood my needs and the criteria of what I was looking for. Lovely to deal with!

Charlotte McWilliam

Lisa’s professionalism and attention to detail were truly exceptional. I particularly want to commend her for her friendly and approachable demeanour, which put me at ease and made me feel welcome from the very beginning.

Dania Alkari

She is extremely supportive, genuinely cares and responds to any query in a lightning speed. Her expertise is undoubtedly great and she did not hesitate to advise and provide me with relevant instructions, whenever needed.

Niruni Gamage

Lisa has been great to deal with and kept me informed and up to date with the status of my application for a role I was interested in. Lisa understood my needs and the criteria of what I was looking for. Lovely to deal with!

Charlotte McWilliam

Lisa’s professionalism and attention to detail were truly exceptional. I particularly want to commend her for her friendly and approachable demeanour, which put me at ease and made me feel welcome from the very beginning.

Dania Alkari

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